Dialogues, Relationships, Other Tidbits

Note: Due to the convienence of just grabbing these from there as well as for filesize/resolution reasons, I will be sourcing most of this section from the Cookie Run Wiki instead of in-game. Don't mind me.

While a lot of the one-off dialogue shown in-game can seem quite simple, and usually very much is, a lot of it also tends to add up to a depiction of a cookie that is more interesting than without it all. Mocha Ray Cookie is no exception to this.

source: cookie run wiki

Something that most people tend to overlook when talking about her are these, which hint at Mocha Ray's own flaws. She's very self-doubting and subservient to others, and it's pretty obvious as to why. This is also supported with the Japanese translation of Cookie Run, where she always refers to other cookies as superiors, and with respect.

source: cookie run wiki

Again with Mocha Ray's long-term isolation, her only point of reference for other places and objects is to compare them to her temple, her home. The last one here is quite interesting -- her and the Great Ray communicate through an unknown means. Note that the third one in that list is also no longer used in-game, as the material used to prompt this dialogue was removed.

In addition, Cookie Run has a relationship chart for every cookie that shows how they think about...other cookies in the game. These are really fun to think about, actually.

source: cookie run wiki

Now, onto relationship chart quotes. She regonizes Peppermint and Sorbet Shark as good, Peppermint a bit more (deserved imo as well, sorbet shark is a little bit of a bastard but in the loveable way). There is something very vague about her statement about Sorbet Shark, though...living in the barren ocean doesn't give much of a surprise on that one, though. Or maybe it does mean something bigger?

source: cookie run wiki

This one is really impactful. Or, at least to me it is.

Mocha Ray's defence against Lobster's attempts at corruption are the reason why Sea Fairy had not become fully defeated, and could continue her own singular goal of being able to reach the moon she loves so faithfully. Mocha Ray's goals, after such an event, had shifted from the simplicity of just making sure everything was fine in the temple, to having to basically re-create her own life all over again. To find Lobster, who, despite everything, she knew could do so much better, the only remaining part of Sugarteara other than herself, to rebuild that damn city they had loved together. While she may not have too much hope in herself, she definetly has it here.

source: cookie run wiki

Despite the two's vastly different personalities, they have always had the same goal in mind, and loved the same city. Even with Lobster's misguided attempts at revival, Mocha Ray still holds faith in them enough to stick with them in their shared quest to rebuild Sugarteara. While it hasn't become as outdated as Lobster's side to this relation, it still feels a little old after the Wandercrab event. Also, Lobster is basically the dog that has to be tugged a little by the leash in order to stay on path during the Wandercrab event, so it evidently still applies.

Trust, more trust than anyone. How lovely, these two bound almost by fate itself.

source: cookie run wiki

Mocha Ray has a rather positive view on Electric Eel, and for good, obvious reason as well -- to be welcomed into Wandercrab with such arms by a cookie as optimistic despite their situation, with no questions asked, no deadline to leave (even if she eventually took that path) -- perhaps Electric Eel's welcome was the hand held out that really was able to stabilize both her and Lobster after they had faithfully met, and still had a...few issues with each other.

source: cookie run wiki

...Abyss Monarch is another story. Abyss Monarch's departure from Sugarteara while they were still the high regent, Octopus Cookie, was the catalyst for the start of the collapse of Sugarteara. Presumably, Mocha Ray was left in the dark about the reason why Octopus left until she had found out much, much later in Wandercrab of all places -- of course there would still be some form of resentment over this. Even if, from our own perspectives, the departure was nothing more than justified -- an entire city, and all she ever knew, taken down because of this, not to mention that she had to beckon for them to not leave, and then witness them leaving anyways in the Season 8 trailer.

The way that Abyss Monarch speaks about Sugarteara now does not help. It is a view of pessimism, that the past should remain utterly dead, that the previous residents were happier away from it. And to somebody who's only goalpost in mind was Sugarteara, that was taken the same as being told to give up entirely on her dreams.

For that, the only cookie Mocha Ray could hold what could even be called a grudge against. Tension.

source: cookie run wiki

Interesting, Mocha Ray has only one relationship chart with a character she was not directly involved with, and it is...another guardian character. These types of relationship chartings are common in Cookie Run, meant to give a sense of a character interacting in a society, not just existing in it. Mocha Ray's lack of these is due to the overstated isolation. Churro Cookie is Millenial Tree's weirdo self-doubting spiritual guardian...I like to imagine the God-Guardians I've talked about here occasionally meet up for tea or something as a result of this.

Now, what do other characters say about Mocha Ray Cookie?

source: cookie run wiki

The friends that Peppermint mentions here are either about the general marinelife of Sugarteara (which had also faded away with time with the coral decay), Sugarteara's own residents (i mean, she probably didn't know most of them too well, but i could be wrong on this), or perhaps even Lobster themself. However, it's nice to know that the two both have some sort of thank-yous for each other.

Interestingly enough, Sorbet Shark does not have anything to say about Mocha Ray -- though it wouldn't be of much use anyways, as every relationship quote they have is just bubbles.

source: cookie run wiki

Again, the feeling of hope in that their most desired life will be achieved in due time is shared with Sea Fairy and Mocha Ray. And of course Sea Fairy would have to have this faith in her -- Mocha Ray is her most devout worshipper by far. It would not be right otherwise.

source: cookie run wiki

This one is kind of...comically outdated ever since the Wandercrab update came out, the two finally reunited, the two finally returning to peace with each other. However, I will be going over it anyway.

Of course Lobster Cookie would act like this. They had been brainwashed already by their own pet to believe in a false promise as to the return of their city, multiple times ending in their own self-descruction and the descruction of the things they hold closest to them in attempts to bring them back to former glories. Under this, they're naturally confused as to why Mocha Ray doesn't follow them with these plans. They had protected the city together. Mocha Ray gave Lobster an entire arm to protect it with even more, to cherish more.

Alas, spreading darkness does not a city make.

source: cookie run wiki

Odd choice of words here -- have they met before? Have they met in a time we did not get to see? Have they met at all? The implications seem there, but there's nothing showing this otherwise.

source: cookie run wiki

So true, Electric Eel. So true. Though...do they know about how Sugarteara did not welcome all? Or are they, too, in the dark about such a thing? However, from the ways that Mocha Ray and Lobster has surely described the city, as opposed to Abyss Monarch's preferral to pretend it never existed in the first place, it must seem like such a similar-but-different utopia to Wandercrab to them.

source: cookie run wiki

Even despite Abyss Monarch's self-ruination coming from Sugarteara, and their own distaste for Mocha Ray's plans to revive what they see as a failed place, Abyss Monarch holds a surprising amount of respect for her. Perhaps it is the attitute of light hope that Mocha Ray holds towards such a goal that, even if they disagree with it, it is yet a demonstration of the light that Abyss Monarch seeks to reclaim in the end. Her faith is endless.

If I had to pick any line from the entirety of the game to describe Mocha Ray, it would be none other than what Abyss Monarch said about her. They're right, you know.

And speaking of that, Mocha Ray Cookie has only been mentioned once outside of the plotlines she is primarily featured within in story cutscene contexts -- the Cradle of Darkness event.

source: eveningemerald's recording of the cradle of darkness cutscenes

Lobster Cookie, while perhaps trying to brush it off as shock, still cares about Mocha Ray, enough to react like this. Mocha Ray Cookie is just as determined to find them as well. It's a goose chase with no end in sight...for now! In addition, Pomegranate Cookie's dialogue right after this is a swift reminder of the futileness of their desires -- without the other, neither Lobster or Mocha Ray could rebuild Sugarteara's legacy. Hope for the best. That's what Mocha Ray is doing, after all...hoping, and then chasing those hopes blindly. Oh, polyanna mindset, perhaps, how I wish I had it back.